Sunday, September 18, 2016

Family Vacation

In Real Estate, I sometimes feel like I am never off work.  Yes, I make my own hours, but I can also start looking at emails as soon as I have my coffee in hand.  Sometimes, it doesn't stop until I'm putting the kiddos in bed.  Every TV show I watch is recorded because I'll get to it sometime next month.

This past week, my family took our yearly vacation to Destin Florida and boy did we have a GREAT time.  I had decided I was really going to be on vacation.  It was very refreshing to step back, unplug, and enjoy everything.  We had wonderful weather, a fantastic day on a boat snorkeling and fishing, and "The Assistants" couldn't get enough of the beach and pool.

And for anyone that doesn't know, there are extremely large jellyfish out there.  

I hugged one.  

It was great.  

But now that we have said "Bye Beach" until next year, it's time to get back to work.  Make sure to check out and Like my Facebook page for new goodies for this Fall.  I'll be holding more "Going LIVE" events and in October, I'll have a #tbt Spooky Home contest with prizes!  Also check out my new website.  It's a working progress, but I'll get there.

And guess what.......
Thank you Good Housekeeping

I hope y'all have a fantastic day!

TN License #324769, Office License #255083
865-599-8780 direct/text, 865-579-3868 office

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Big News

(photo credit -

Can I have everyone's attention please?  Big, exciting changes are coming to Catherine Moody with Hammontree Real Estate!  

  1. I am very happy to announce that I am starting to build my own personal website.  I have used my Facebook page, with wonderful results, for the past 4 years.  So it has now come to my attention that I really need to step up my game.  Please send me all of the good vibes you can for patience and a creative mind while this is designed.
  2. I started composing a Newsletter back in February and have majorly slacked off on it.  I hope to have the next one emailed out at the beginning of August.  If you would like to be added, please message me or comment below with your name and email address.  
  3. I am also excited about meeting with new professionals that will benefit my sellers with a faster, easier selling transaction.  I have recently started working with Strategic Cinema for professional videography for listings.  I absolutely love the work they have already completed for us and look forward to working with them in the future.
  4. And to me, this may be the biggest announcement.  I'm getting an office helper!  Because y'all are AMAZING clients, I am not able to complete absolutely everything that I want to everyday.  So Miss Sarah will be here helping me out.  No worries, it will still be me talking your calls, emailing you, scheduling and going to your showings, etc.  Sarah is going to be here making sure we have everything on the To-Do List completed at the end of the day!
Looking forward to the future!

Catherine Moody
TN License #324769, Office License #255083
865-599-8780 direct/text, 865-579-3868 office

Monday, June 20, 2016

I am a Military Relocation Professional!

When I was planning out my 2016 goals, continuing education was at the top of that list.  And more specifically the certification for Military Relocation Professional (MRP).  I have always had the upmost respect for our Military and in the last 15 years, The Military became part of my family.  Talk about eye opening and a little bit scary.

So when looking into the MRP certification, I just knew this is something I wanted to be involved in.  Buying a home is probably one of the most stressful things, even when everything goes as planned.  I can only imagine the thought of buying a home while a spouse is deployed or knowing that you only have 3 days to find "The One" for your family. I want to be there to assist in this life changing event and to make it as stress-free as possible.

During my morning routine, I checked my emails and I saw this - "Congratulations! Your Military Relocation Professional (MRP) certification application has been approved."  So exciting and I'm already to get started!

Catherine Moody, MRP
Hammontree Real Estate
TN License #324769, Offie License #255083
865-599-8780 direct, 865-579-3868 office

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Spring/Easter Wreath

So I have gotten a little behind on my seasonal wreath tutorials.  Looking back through my pictures I completely ran out of time forgot to post my Mom's Christmas wreath.

I thought it turned out pretty well.

It is now March!  St. Patrick's Day is 13 days away.  Spring is 16 days away.  Easter is 23 days away.

I think a multipurpose wreath will do the trick.

All of the these wreaths are "woven" the same way.  Use different color wreath frames, different deco mesh, and accessories for a variety of styles.

Materials - 

24" wreath frame
21 yard deco mesh material - any color, and type of mesh

Start by separating the wreath ties

Next, unwrap your deco mesh, hold onto the end and let the roll fall to the floor.  This makes it a whole lot easier to work.  Take the end of your deco mesh roll and bunch it up.

Place between one of the ties and twist two times.

With your wreath frame in front of you, one end tied to your frame, and the rest laying in the floor, gather about an 8"-10" section, and twist it into the next section of tie.

Once you finish on the bottom section, just start on the top.  Once you are finished, your wreath will look something like this:

This is from the wreath above

A Green Burlap Deco Mesh

A Purple Deco Mesh

A Multi-color Striped Burlap Deco Mesh

At this point, depending on how creative you want to be, you can leave your wreath as is or you can add embellishments.

For my Mom's wreath, she is covering two holidays.  First, she is going use a large felt shamrock for St Patrick's Day and then a cute Bunny for Easter and Spring.  (Sorry we don't have a picture of the shamrock.)

For my wreath, I just added simple "Glitter Whispy Bead Spray" as the store called them.

For my Aunt's wreath, we are still in search of another bunny.

Quick Note - my apologies about the pictures.  My normal camera isn't working properly, so they did not turn out very bright like they usually do.

I hope you all enjoyed and if you have questions, please feel free to ask.

TN License #324769, Office License #255083
865-599-8780 direct/text, 865-579-3868 office

Saturday, February 27, 2016

It's All About You!

I feel 2016 is going to be a great year!  Currently, I am working with several home buyers and I'm very much looking forward to the Spring and Summer months.  Make sure to continuously checkout my Facebook page to stay up to date with events and news.  Here are a few items of interest:

  • Monthly Newsletter - I recently created a very short and simple letter for February and March will be here before we know it.   Want a chance to win a $25 VISA gift card?  Sign up now and the drawing will take place after March 19, 2016.  Now that I have received a little bit more "education," March will have much more information.

  • First Time Home Buyer Event - In the near future, Shannon Cabrera with Mortgage Investors Group and I hope have an informative event for First Time Home Buyers.  We firmly believe everyone should have the chance to be become a homeowner and would love the opportunity to meet with Buyers and get them on the path to homeownership.  This event will be free, full of information, we will provide sweet and treats, and will be coming soon the Seymour Public Library.

  • Your Input Is Needed! - With my daily posts, newsletter, and for information purposes, I need your input.  What topics interests you?  Organization tips, your favorite DIY project, recipes, holiday decorating tips, you name it.  

I hope you all have a great weekend and I look forward to hearing from you soon!

TN License #324769, Office License #255083
865-599-8780 direct/text, 865-579-3863 office

Monday, November 16, 2015

Which loan program is right for me?

In our area, the most common mortgage loan programs are FHA, Rural Housing, VA, and Conventional loans.  Interest rates with these programs are similar to each other, but their main differences are the down payment, debt-to-income ratio, who is eligible, and the home’s condition requirements. 

FHA Loan – Federal Housing Administration

o   Requires 3.5% of the purchase price as a down payment
o   Lower credit scores could qualify for a FHA loan – which makes qualifying much easier
o   Allows for a higher debt-to-income ratio
o   The borrower can apply for a 15 or 30 year mortgage loan
o   Can usually close the loan in 30 days
o   The condition of the home you’re are purchasing has to be in near perfect condition – no peeling paint, cracked windows, safety hazards, etc

USDA Rural Housing Loan – US Department of Agriculture

o   100% financing available – NO down payment - Not limited to First Time Home Buyers
o   Requires a minimum of a 640 credit score
o   Lower debt-to-income ratio
o   Available for 30 year mortgage and limited to rural areas
o   Can usually close the loan in 45 days
o   Home’s condition needs to be move in ready, but doesn’t require it to be in perfect condition

VA Loan – US Department of Veteran Affairs

o   100% financing – limited to US Veterans
o   Low monthly payments – Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) is NOT required
o   No down payment required
o   Closing costs are also lower because of Non-Allowable Settlement Charges.  These are charges that our Veteran is not allowed to pay and the Seller is required to handle the cost.
o   The Veteran can apply for a 15 or 30 year mortgage loan
o   Due to VA’s underwriting procedures, it can take longer than 45 days to close the loan
o   The home must also be in near perfect condition – especially no safety hazards, if a staircase has more than 3 steps a handrail is required, etc.

Conventional Loan

o   Requires 5% of the purchase price as a down payment
o   Requires a higher credit score
o   Low debt-to-income ratio
o   Borrower can apply for a 10-30 year mortgage
o   Can usually close the loan in less than 30 days
o   Most lenient on condition – The home could have outdated plumbing and electrical, be considered a “fixer-upper” or an investment property.

photo credit

Looking to buy or sell a home in East Tennessee?  I'd love to work with you!
TN License #324769 - Office License #255219
865-599-8780 direct/text
865-579-3868 office

facebook @ cmoodyrealtor  &  twitter @ @cmoodyhomes

*Disclaimer* Each loan program has a “standard” debt to income ratio guideline but keep in mind that each borrower is different and some may be able to go higher.  Each lender could have different credit score requirements.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

First Time Home Buyer?

You've finally made the decision to become a homeowner - kudos to you!  But now what?

photo curtsey of

Home buying is going to be one of the biggest decisions you will make - along with school, career, etc. - and things can be a bit stressful.  Being an educated buyer, working with a great group of professionals, and making sound choices will help reduce your stress greatly!

Now that you have started working with a REALTOR® and Mortgage Lender, here are some things to consider before you start looking for a home - 

  • Which loan program is right for me?
    • In our area, the most common mortgage loan programs are Rural Housing, FHA, Conventional, and VA loans.  Interest rates with these programs are similar to each other, but their main differences are the downpayment and debt-to-income ratio requirements. 
  • Do I have enough money saved up for my downpayment?
    • If you choose a Rural Housing or VA loan, there is no downpayment.  With FHA or Conventional, your downpayment can range from 3.5-5% of the purchase price.
  • What kind of monthly payment can I afford?
    • Your monthly payment includes several different payees.  A monthly mortgage payment pays your principal and interest due on the home loan, private mortgage insurance, your city and/or county taxes, and your homeowners insurance.
  • How long do I plan to stay in this home?
    • Are you working on a 5 year or 10 year plan?  Could you possibly get a job transfer and have to move?  If you plan on extending your family, will you need a bigger home?  The loan amount you qualify for plays a big part in the home you buy, but so do these previous questions.  If you are looking for a home that you may live in short term, you may also want to think about resale value.  If you plan to stay in your home for several years, you have more freedom with your choice.
  • What are closing costs?
    • Closing costs are the lender and title company's fee that is paid at closing.  Once you have a contract on a home, your lender is going to give you a Loan Estimate and it gives you a  worse case scenario on what their fees will be.  During the offer negotiations on your home, you may be able to request the seller to pay these fees.

By working closely with your REALTOR® and Mortgage Lender, you will be on the path to finding The One in no time.  These professionals are looking out for your interests and should be there to answer any questions you may have.

TN License #324769, Office License # 255083
865-599-8780 direct/text, 865-579-3868 office

  Find me Facebook at Catherine Moody with Hammontree Real Estate or twitter at @cmoodyhomes