Thursday, January 30, 2014

How All of My Jobs Fit Together

Even though I do get to work from home, I try to stay on a fairly strict schedule.  Most nights, I am still up working in some manner after I have gotten the kiddo to sleep for the evening.  Like I said earlier, I am a REALTOR® with Realty Executives and I am a business partner with my husband.  All together, I am an administrator for three Facebook business pages.

My first page, Catherine Moody with Realty Executives is the page for my real estate business.  There I list all of my available properties and stay in contact with past clients, current clients, and any perspective buyer or seller.  Besides advertising for myself, I use this page to market for my clients, offer buying and selling tips, provide market statistics, and announce any upcoming events.  Plus there is a little real estate humor every Friday afternoon!  We have to have a little fun too.

My next page, Absolute Properties and Preservation is for mine and my husband's business.  This business was originally started as a mowing and landscaping company.  Don't get me wrong, he does plenty of that during the summer, but we are also now a preservation company.  Anything that needs to be done to a property, you name and we probably do it.  This page also helps us advertise seasonal specials and if need be, we can notify our clients of any emergency services we offer after a large storm or heavy snow.

My last page, Blue Ridge Home Inspections is my Dad's business page.  It was just recently set up and I've been busy researching more content to fill its pages with.  After years in the frame/brick and log home industry, it only made sense for him to become a professional home inspector.  To Dad, it's a win/win situation - he is a little older now so he gets to work when he is asked to and then he gets to spend his off time playing with his granddaughter, tending to his garden, and spending time with his ever faithful companion, Nietzsche.  On his page, we plan to advertise his services, show the importance of home inspections, and provide tips to keep up on your home maintenance.  

Does it make any better sense now why I wanted a blog?  All three of these businesses have something to do with each other in one way or another.  So "why not" (seems to be my theme) start a blog where I can combine my postings and share information for my businesses.  

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Catherine's Newest Idea

Everyday I sit down with my To-Do List and I feel like it is never ending.  But I somehow manage through the day.  First, I am a mother!  This is a title I have always dreamed of having.  Second, I am a Wife.  Third, I am a daughter, granddaughter, sister, niece, cousin, and friend.  Fourth, I am a REALTOR®.  Fifth, and very far from least, I am a business partner.

Now, some people would stop and ask, " and why do you want to write a blog as well?"  And I kind of thought, "why not."  I do spend several hours during the week working from home while being with my daughter and I do spend a lot of time on the computer.  I am either scheduling appointments, emailing clients, balancing business accounts, sending out newsletters, researching posts to schedule for one of my three Facebook pages; so why not write a blog too.  

During a lot of my research, I find published articles or blog posts where I agree with about 87% of what they are saying.  For the remaining 13%, I either totally disagree or am at least left sitting there questioning where they came up with that info.  So why not continue my research and then turn everything into my own words?

Now let's see where I can take us!